

the bar

At ZEE, we are aware of the role that ethical governance, transparency and accountability play in preserving and growing long-term stakeholder value.

In order to raise the bar of good governance, we regularly reassess and benchmark ourselves with the best in the industry. We not only stringently comply with all applicable laws and regulations in the markets we operate, but always strive to go much beyond to set industry benchmarks and raise the bar continuously.

Board structure

Our Board of Directors is entrusted with the responsibility of promoting good governance within the organisation. We have constituted a diverse and significantly independent Board (5/7 Directors are independent), with each member bringing years of experience and technical expertise to the table.

Board committees

In compliance with the necessary regulations, we have constituted various Board committees that oversee critical matters across the organisation. Our key committees include: Audit Committee, Risk Management Committee, Nomination & Remuneration Committee, Stakeholders Relationship Committee and Corporate Social Responsibility Committee.

Code of conduct

At ZEE, we accord paramount importance to operating ethically and ensuring integrity in everything we do. Our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics is the central reference point that supports us in mainstreaming ethical behaviour across our operations. It is a guideline to encourage discussions of ethics and improve how we deal with ethical dilemmas, prejudices and challenges that we face.


We are taking active strides in measuring and managing our direct and indirect environmental footprint. We are mapping the impact of our valuechain on the natural ecosystem from content production to delivery, and are taking steps to minimise any detrimental effects. For example, we are progressively reducing our carbon emissions.

POSH and anti-discrimination

At ZEE, have a zero-tolerance policy towards offensive behaviour, and adhere to the Prevention of Sexual Harassment (POSH) Act with rigour. In the case of any such incident, we take prompt and corrective action, including investigation and resolution.

We do not tolerate or encourage any discrimination on race, colour, religion, caste, creed, sex, age, nation of origin, sexual orientation, marital status, disabilities, geographic address, political views, or sexual orientation. ZEE is committed to staying true to its values of humility, respect and integrity, while fostering an equitable, balanced and fulfilling workplace.

Diversity, inclusion and human rights

ZEE brings together people from diverse backgrounds, experiences and cultures as part of its workforce, helping knit together varied perspectives and innovative thinking. We aim to create an inclusive environment and build a workforce that is adaptive, motivated and equipped to succeed in today’s borderless market.

Our values, principles, culture and employment policies work in unison to uphold the principles of United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Labour Organisation Fundamental Principles and Labour Standards. Our programmes and policies include:

  • Provide fair and equitable wages, benefits and other conditions of employment in accordance with local laws
  • Recognise subjects’ right to freedom of association
  • Encourage humane and safe working conditions
  • Strictly prohibit child labour
  • Prohibit human trafficking
  • Promote a workplace free of discrimination and harassment

We have strict whistle-blower policies and reporting mechanisms that guard against any unfair practice.